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Setting up a company in Holland
To set up a company in Holland, the B.V. (BeslotenVennootschap – private company) option,in our opinion, would be the best solution for most foreign owners. With this option a Dutch bank account and Dutch VAT number are also more quickly obtained than other options. This option can be set up in entirely from abroad. Moreover, it only takes a couple of days and a few simple steps.
- The minimum deposit is € 0,01 and there is no maximum deposit;
- There can be one or multiple shareholders;
- Shareholder(s) can be one or more persons and/or companies;
- Within the company, theremust be at least one director and he/she does not have to be a local person or company;
- The shareholders are not responsible for the debts of the B.V. company;
- It’s easy to appoint one or more shareholders at a later stage;
- It’s easy to sell the shares of a B.V. company at any time.

Set up your company in Holland within 5 working days?
Leave us a message if you'd like to have your company set up in the Netherlands
Our services
- Personal driver available to pick you up from a designated place for a half day
- Extra local substance (usefullfor the VAT registration)
- Translation services
- Assistance when abroad
- Social Security number obtaining
- Ensuring the paperwork of the company is sent on time
- One sole contact person within the organization
- No fines, everything will be sent on time to the Dutch government
We can assist you in making a branch registration of your company in the Netherlands. For this option please fill in our contact form for individual advice.
We can help you to set a business bank account for your Dutch company. For foreign owners of a Dutch company it can be more complex to open a company bank account. Set Up Your Dutch Company knows and has numerous Bank contacts and solutions to assist in getting a bank account for your company within the Netherlands.
We can also obtain a Dutch VAT number for Dutch and foreign companies.
If you would like be able to issue invoices from your Dutch company, you will need an active VAT number. Set Up Your Dutch Company can assist you with this process, and it usually takes up to 1 to a maximum of 5 weeks to receive this number.
Set Up Your Dutch Company can also arrange an EORI number, in just one day after your VAT number is active.
With an EORI, your company can import from Europe and export to Europe. The EORI number is an unique identification number that companies are required to use when exchanging data with Customs from all EU Member States. Under this heading you will find information on subjects including how to apply for an EORI number and how to obtain the EORI number of others.
Our company can provide all the necessary requirements for a Dutch company. The services provided are:
- Administration services
- Annual filing of documents etc.
- VAT services
- Intra Community Transaction services
- Tax services
- Company income tax/Corporate Tax Forms
We can also assist with the basics of setting up your new business/ company by helping you with your business plan . This includes a marketing Plan and a Financial Plan.
- * Please note we do NOT offer business address solutions, as this is a regulated activity in the Netherlands under the ‘Trust Law’.