Open a BV company in the Netherlands
Setupyourdutchcompany can help you to setup your B.V. company in Netherlands. We have helped hundreds of entrepreneurs to start a Netherlands BV company. This can be done on distance and takes only 5 working days.
A BV company is a limited liability company in the Netherlands, the minimum shared capital is € 0,01, so the investment to setup this company are very low.
The BV company in Netherlands makes sure the shareholders and directors are not liable for the debts of the company.
To create a BV company in Netherlands the shareholders and directors don’t need to come to the Netherlands.
Taxes of a BV company Netherlands
The BV company is not taxable on the revenue, but taxable on the profit. This is only 15% profit tax over the first € 245.000 profit and 25% over the amount above the €245.000
Shareholders can take dividends out of the BV company Netherlands. The dividend Tax depends in which country the shareholder is registered and depends on Tax treaty between where the shareholder is registered and the Netherlands. The Netherlands is a country with the most Tax treaties in the world. We can check the treaty between the Netherlands and any country you wish, just ask us. In our experience the dividend tax in the treaties between the Netherlands and other countries is pretty low.
Please let us know if you’re interested in a BV company in Netherlands, we can advise you on all matters.